New and gooey!

Blog for the abstraction and rewriting of AMSN's ( gui.
Please please read this post first. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Menus are getting there!

Done some more work, looksee:

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Toolbars: Icons & Text/Icons only/Text only

Okay, now you can change between icons with text, icons only and text only. Maybe later I'll add "text alongside icons" and "text under icons"



Thursday, November 17, 2005

More menu stuff

Refined menu, now has "identify" method:

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Good news for all you freaks out there!
The same cms I used for CL and Signin is now going to be used to create........ Menus! Beautiful, pixmap, dazzling menus!
Here's the sort of thing I have so far (after just 30 mins work :D)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Canvas cycle widget

Created a new adaptation of the tk canvas, so that pressing Tab cycles through the list of tags you give it... well in fact you give it a list of tags, and each tag has a -focuscmd and -unfocuscmd which you supply so you can add extra effects like focusing the tag and drawing a box around it.


Loving the brushed metal!


ps I have no idea why the text is pink, google does something to images you upload...these screenshots look like jpegs but they actually be pngs. Oh well.

Monday, November 07, 2005

More sign in screen stuff

I developed three new little toys, a button, checkbutton, and radiobutton that put themselves on the canvas of your choice. Means they can blend nicely in without having a solid background. So here is the updated sign-in screen. Hope it's satisfactory ;)


Friday, November 04, 2005


A bit of playing produced this:

(Proud to say it uses the same CMS as the contact list!)


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Not much new at the moment, just re-wrote cl code to be more flexible and general :) Turns out it'll be good for the sign-in screen too, so that's a lot of coding saved :)
